Thursday, November 17, 2016

Tips on getting up early, Kali Kraig

Tips on waking up early for school

  1. Go to sleep early the night before. It is very important to get a good amount of sleep and it is much harder to get up when you're tired then well rested.
  2. Set your alarm as far away as you can,but still being able to hear it. This is for getting you out of your bed so you can turn off your alarm
  3. Set tons of alarms! If you're like me and have a habit of snoozing your alarm. Set multiples alarms ahead of time to get you motivated to get up.
  4. Have a schedule. This means to wake up the same time every day to get your body used to getting up early.
  5. Drink water the second you wake up. You can do this by places a water bottle next to your bed so it's easy to reach. This helps to get you feeling awake
  6. Have a reason to get up. This means having something special ahead up time to make you excited to get up. For example pick out a really yummy breakfast that you want to eat real bad. Or have something important to do at school early in the morning

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