Thursday, November 17, 2016

Three minute movies revealed

Three Minute Movies Revealed
By Jacob “The Local Critic” Chong
Ladies and Gentleman the trenchcoat and hat are off and this is the article where I answer questions you may have about T.T.M. First question, one question is where I get my movies from? Okay so I get my movies is from the movie theater, also I have a dragon box if you don’t know what that is, it’s a streaming box that helps me watch new movies with high definition at the comfort of my sofa. The second question is that what is my inspiration? So my inspiration is actually a youtuber, his nickname “The Guy With The Glasses” and his character name “the Nostalgia Critic” so do you see the resemblance. Finally, how I thought of my nickname. So it started like this, I was first just Jacob Chong, but then I was Jacob “The Critic” Chong, but then I thought of a name which was both the nostalgia critic and I am local so you get The Local Critic which I still use today.

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