Thursday, November 17, 2016

Last Quarter Recaps with Misty


Hey guys, it’s Misty Cruden doing recaps of this quarter’s events. This quarter we had the EPIC Talent Show. We had nine competitors. They all did a very good job. We had three singers and five singers. Actually, we had three different groups of singers and five groups of dancers. Most of our dancers go to Island Dance Academy. Everyone had fun. Even though they didn’t announce an OFFICIAL winner, from all the clapping, I think the winner would be Emmy and Megan with their awesome remix! Second place would’ve gone to Tyler, Ava, Gracelyn for their Dear Future Husband trio! And last, I personally think the third place winner would be Misty and Kira for their very sassy Me Too dance. We also had the Cupid’s Shuffle Contest between each grade. Here are the results of the Cupid’s Shuffle Contest.
  1. Eighth Graders
  2. Sixth Graders
  3. Seventh Graders
Good job to the Eighth Graders for winning the contest! Sixth graders, AWESOME job for trying out this new dance! Even though you didn’t win first, you came in second. Seventh graders, good job even though you didn’t get first. Everyone could see your school spirit!
I hope everyone enjoyed the talent show just as much as I did! And I hope you enjoyed reading this article!
-Misty Cruden


Video Games with Yusuf

Video Games

Hello fellow Titans. It is Yusuf again sharing the results of the video game survey. I didn't get the results I wanted so i am just going to tell you the top 3 of every electronic device. For the 3Ds,  first place is Mario kart 7 with 6 votes. Second is Animal Crossing with 5 votes. In 3rd place is Pokémon X and Y with 5 votes. Now moving on to the mobile device games. In first place, Pokémon go with 11 votes. In second Fruit Ninja with 10 votes. In 3rd place Minecraft PE with 10 votes. On going to the P.C games. In 1st place Minecraft P.C with 9 votes. In 2nd place, Dumb ways to die 2 with 8 votes. And finally, in 3rd place, Fireboy and watergirl crystal temple. So again sadly I didn't get enough votes to tell you the top 15 on each console so maybe next time i can get more votes. Thank you.

Tips on getting up early, Kali Kraig

Tips on waking up early for school

  1. Go to sleep early the night before. It is very important to get a good amount of sleep and it is much harder to get up when you're tired then well rested.
  2. Set your alarm as far away as you can,but still being able to hear it. This is for getting you out of your bed so you can turn off your alarm
  3. Set tons of alarms! If you're like me and have a habit of snoozing your alarm. Set multiples alarms ahead of time to get you motivated to get up.
  4. Have a schedule. This means to wake up the same time every day to get your body used to getting up early.
  5. Drink water the second you wake up. You can do this by places a water bottle next to your bed so it's easy to reach. This helps to get you feeling awake
  6. Have a reason to get up. This means having something special ahead up time to make you excited to get up. For example pick out a really yummy breakfast that you want to eat real bad. Or have something important to do at school early in the morning

Songs by the rock n' roll connoisseur Yusef


Hello Titans, it’s Yusuf again bringing you the top 5 Rock ”n” roll songs. The choices where Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden, For those about to rock by AC/DC. When we stand together by Nickleback. Burn it down by Linkin Park. Just like you by Three days Grace. Black Magic by Slayer. Thunderstruck by AC/DC. Master of puppets by Metallica. In the end by Black veil brides. And finally she got over me by Saving Abel. OK now to the votes. In first place, Burn it Down with 4 votes. Second place is when we stand together with 4 votes. For those about to rock is in 3rd place with 3 votes. In 4th place, in the end with 3 votes. And finally Master of puppets in 5th place with 3 votes. Again I didn't get the right amount of tallies I needed because of the lack of precipitation. Again i hope next time I could get a little more votes if i do this again. Thank you.

Misaki Artz Art Commissions

Misaki Artz                                                  
Art Commissions                 

  Hello fellow students of Waiakea Intermediate. My name is Gracelynne Jade Narido. Also known as Misaki Artz. Right now I’m planning to do art commissions. So if you guys want art from me, just walk up to me or contact me on my social medias’. So under this whole paragraph, there will be a commission chart.  Thank you for reading this part of the newspaper.

     CHIBI                     FANART
SKETCH ------- $2              ANIME CHARACTER
LINE ----------- $4               BUST --------------- $4         
COLOR -------- $6              WAIST -------------- $8
                                        FULL BODY ------- $10
     LINE                   YOUTUBER
BUST ---------- $5                BUST -------------- $5
WAIST -------- $7                WAIST ------------- $10
FULLBODY--  $ 10           FULL BODY -------- $15

SUNSET BEACH --------- $6
GALAXY ------------------- $10

Instagram: @misaki.artz
Twitter: @misakimifwa

Pokemon go in real life!! Comic

Three minute movies revealed

Three Minute Movies Revealed
By Jacob “The Local Critic” Chong
Ladies and Gentleman the trenchcoat and hat are off and this is the article where I answer questions you may have about T.T.M. First question, one question is where I get my movies from? Okay so I get my movies is from the movie theater, also I have a dragon box if you don’t know what that is, it’s a streaming box that helps me watch new movies with high definition at the comfort of my sofa. The second question is that what is my inspiration? So my inspiration is actually a youtuber, his nickname “The Guy With The Glasses” and his character name “the Nostalgia Critic” so do you see the resemblance. Finally, how I thought of my nickname. So it started like this, I was first just Jacob Chong, but then I was Jacob “The Critic” Chong, but then I thought of a name which was both the nostalgia critic and I am local so you get The Local Critic which I still use today.

40 year movies

 40 Year Movies
Proudly Present
Back to the Future 1,2, and 3
By Jacob L. Critic (The Local Critic)
Ladies and Gentleman turn on that Nintendo and let’s watch the Back to the Future trilogy. Before we begin I have to say that this is one of my favorite trilogies ever and the reason why I am reviewing all three is because it’s basically the same movie three times but with a different place. Without a further a do here it is, (Back to the Future theme) Marty Mcfly goes back in time with Doc Brown to the 60’s when his parents are in high school, lots of stuff happened and Marty plays “Johnny B. Good” and Marty’s dad punches biff and done.
     Next movie Back to the Future part 2. This movie starts as soon as Marty gets home and reunites with his girlfriend and Doc Brown and then they go to the future October 21st, 2015 well it’s 2016 and no hoverboard where's my hoverboard I want my hoverboard! (Technical Difficulties) so anyway Marty and doc do lots of stuff and Marty and doc are safe to go back now roll credits. NOPE. So the delorean accidentally glitches and he’s zapped into a mysterious time till, Marty gets a letter that was made by doc 100 years earlier and he is joyed.
   Finally, Back to the Future part tres. So this is set as soon as the last one ends and Marty actually has to find old doc, get to the past, and save the day except. So it turns out that doc will be assassinated by a Tannen which are the antagonist of the story. Geez I just realized how the Tannens are humiliated so much like first movie getting punched out by a nerd, second movie getting arrested, and third movie we will see later.

   So Marty finds doc and tells him he has only three days to live. But, doc falls in love and doesn't want to leave. So lots of stuff happens and there is a killing of Tannen. Then there is climax, so the woman wants to come with doc so doc has to make a decision between staying there or going to the future so he chose the woman. We thought that was it he was dead but, doc returns and goes to space with his wife and two sons and one did something weird. In conclusion, this is my thoughts and they’re not always good but in my opinion these are still great even with these little mistakes so the score in all are 90% and 26/30 so this is the Local Critic signing off and I’ll see you in the next one

Thursday, November 3, 2016

3 Minute Movies: By Jacob Chong, The Local Critic

Three Minute Movies
Proudly Presents️
Forty Year Movies
by Jacob L. Critic (The Local Critic)

Gather around everyone and witness the time of old and exquisite sophistication ladies and gentlemen, the messiah of the movie review, the guru of good, the separator of good, bad, and great movies, he is the Local Critic!!!!!!!!!! Hello my name is Jacob L. Critic but you can call me Critic and this is the intro to my new show forty year movies! This is the showcase of movies spanning of forty years ago so from 1977 to 1997 so the name isn’t accurate but any film from 1998 and over doesn't count so no dark knight but Batman 1997. A new review every two weeks so let the games begin and I hope that you have an excellent day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tips on Waking Up Early For School-By Kali Kring

                                      Kali Kring 11/1/16

Tips on waking up early for school

  1. Go to sleep early the night before. It is very important to get a good amount of sleep and it is much harder to get up when you're tired then well rested.
  2. Set your alarm as far away as you can,but still being able to hear it. This is for getting you out of your bed so you can turn off your alarm
  3. Set tons of alarms! If you're like me and have a habit of snoozing your alarm. Set multiples alarms ahead of time to get you motivated to get up.
  4. Have a schedule. This means to wake up the same time every day to get your body used to getting up early.
  5. Drink water the second you wake up. You can do this by places a water bottle next to your bed so it's easy to reach. This helps to get you feeling awake
  6. Have a reason to get up. This means having something special ahead up time to make you excited to get up. For example pick out a really yummy breakfast that you want to eat real bad. Or have something important to do at school early in the morning

Youtuber Reviews:By:Kaylee Nagata-Theodd1sout Comic

Youtuber Reviews
By Kaylee Nagata
Hey all you Youtube Fans,
It’s your girl.  Kaylee.  We are back with another Youtube review.  We will be talking about theOdd1sout Comic.  I know it’s another animator, but, next time it won’t be okay??  But, without further a do, let’s get STARTED!!!
Theodd1sout comic is a 20 year old animator that started posting videos on Youtube in 2014.  Just like Jaiden Animations, they both started in 2014, and they were both born in Arizona!!!  But, he didn’t start posting stuff on Youtube though.  He started posting comics on a website called Tumblr.  So, that means he started posting comics in 2012.  So after 2 years of posting comics, he started his Youtube channel and his 1st Youtube video is about him reading a book he made in 4th grade titled, “I Do Not Like This Family”.  That is a very interesting title their James.   He just recently hit 1,000,000 subscribers in late 2016.  But, he still never get his Youtube golden play button though.  Youtube where is James’s Golden play button.  Come on, it’s been about 3 months already.  Geez.  But, he has done collabs with Jaiden Animations, and he has done voice overs for some Youtubers.  For example, Erold Story, Jaiden Animations, and TonyVToons.  
Now let’s get into his personal life.  James Rallison was born on May 14, 1996 in Arizona.  He has 2 dogs, a mom and dad, a twin sister named Faith, and an older brother and a older sister.  He stills lives with his parents since he dropped out of college and he didn’t stay in the apartment that he used to live in since he hated most of his roommates.  He used to have a dog named Snoopy but, he had to give it since he was busy with college at the time and he was in a very small apartment and he knew that it wasn’t a good place to raise a dog.  So, he gave it to his Grandma’s friend and he never saw snoopy ever again.  
That’s all I have to say so Goodbye.  
Wear Your seatbelt-James R                           ^_^Kaylee Nagata

Youtuber Reviews:By Kaylee Nagata-Jaiden Animations

Youtuber Reviews
By:Kaylee Nagata
Hey all you gamers,
I am back and ready as I’ll ever be!  I know, I know.  I haven’t posted in awhile but, I was working on other stuff.  But, let’s get jump right into gamer talk.  Wait, no.  I almost forgot!  I have changed the name of this article from Games and Competitions to Youtubers Reviews.  I am sorry but, I prefer to review Youtubers instead of Games and Competitions.  But, today, we will review………… Jaiden Animations!!  Now, let’s start our Youtube Review!!
Jaiden Animations is an animator who started animating for another popular Youtuber, iHascupquake.  Her 1st animation was Terrible Mother for Cupquake’s channel.  She then started her channel and her 1st video to her channel is her introduction video.  It is well scripted for a 1st video, and the animation is great too.  The only thing bad about it is the microphone quality.  On her channel, there are speed draws and animations.  Animations usually talk about her funny life stories.  But, she got spotted by iHascupquake by her just submitting a fan art to them.  She kept sending more and then, she was asked by the married couple behind the channel, Tiffany and Red(Mario) to have her animate funny moments from their channel.  
Now let’s get into her personal life.  She was born on September 27, 1997 in Arizona.  But you know what’s cool… She has the same birthday as me!!!  But, she has a younger brother named Jaxen as well.  But, right now she is 19 years old and is attending college.  She has over 850,000 subscriber and she is growing from that number.  She is very close to that million subscribers.  She is part of the group known as the animation squad and she has done a lot of things with them.  She has collabs with 2 of the members of the animation squad.  Those Youtubers are TonyVToons and TheOdd1sOut Comic.  She has also done voice overs for those guys and also itsAlexClark and EroldStory.  Let’s tell you guys about Jaiden.  She loves Pokemon (like I do), she is a socially awkward person, and she kind of hates Arizona but she kinda likes it.
That’s all I need to tell you about Jaiden Animations, BYE!!
                                      ^_^ Kaylee N.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tips On Getting Good Grades By: Kali Kring

Tips on getting good grades:

  1.Attend All Your Classes, this means not being absent. I know it can be hard coming to school everyday, but remember only skip school if you're sick or have a family emergency

   2.Get/Stay Organized, this helps with knowing where all your stuff is easily. Especially if you're known for “misplacing” things
   3.Use Time Wisely, this doesn't mean talking! Try to stay on task at all times and focus. If you're still having trouble using your time wisely you might want to ask your teacher to change seats

   4.Become “Noteworthy”, this is important if you have a             hard time remembering stuff. Remember to use color or highlighting to make it easier to pay attention

   5. Follow Good Rules of Writing, this means complete sentences. I know sometimes you want to slack off but what's the point of do something if it's not your best effort

   6.Study, Study, Study, this I have to say is the most important. Most people think that they can get buy without spending some of their free time to review ; well they’re wrong to get good grades you need to feel confident when you take tests
  7. Make a plan, so you don't wait till last minute. You don't want to stress yourself out doing everything last minute. Use your school agenda to plan your schedule

  8. Do extra credit, I know that not all teachers have extra credit but if they do this is the perfect way to bump up your grade and show that you care about that class.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Return of The Guy Who Does Movies

Three Minute Movies
Proudly Presents
“Kubo and The Two Strings”
Review By The Local Critic
   If you must read do it now. The. Local. Critic baby, ladies and gentleman welcome to the most persistent newspaper
column since the comics "Three Minute Movies" starring me The Local Critic from that show that no one knows and today we are doing Kubo and the two strings. This movie is awesome with lots of action with some small mistakes but here’s the review. :)
  This movie was thrilling with intense action scenes with lots of fun for me and other middle-schoolers and this was well animated with stop-motion movie makers Laika who have made movies such as Coraline and ParaNorman have done it again with this flick but I have found mistakes that made me go huh? Such as whole third act was confusing, with it going from high up good to tripping on the third act. But, this was a strong enough movie to pick that up in my opinion and I think that is why it got a 7/10 on IMDb. This was pretty good but it had to improve in my opinion. In conclusion, I think Kubo and the two strings was pretty good and I give it a 8/10. Finally, I say that this is the end of “The Guy Who Does Movies” and I say thank you

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Game Mysteries, by Jasmine Rehmert


So many games are seemingly just games, but do they have more backstory…?
The first video game we will review is FNAF……. FNAF has a L-O-T of backstory, but it’s mixed up. I have the game myself and decided to screenshot a few things and research a few things.


What do you think? Interesting, huh?

We decided to google up a few things….
none of these sites may be accurate, but they have some interesting info. We took a few screenshots, but also have a LOT more info too.

In FNAF you are posted as the nighttime security guard and Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaria.
In the first and second games the phone guy greets you and either gives you some tips or further mysteries of this game.
A quote from 2or3 night FNAF 2: “hello?...uh, Hello? See, I told you you first night wouldn’t be a problem!(short SHORT pause) You’re a natural!”

He then talks about a few new things that add some more difficulty to the game. He mentions foxy as his “favorite,” and states that Mangle was originally a remake of foxy, but later turned into a take apart and rebuild attraction.
In the first game the last night added a bit of surprise. Apparently, there is banging on the door and he supposedly dies. I have personally only played FNAF 2, so this may be innacurate.


FNaF 1: Freddy Fazbear, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and the elusive GOLDEN FrEDDy
FNaF 2: Toy freddy, Toy bonnie, Toy chica, Old chica, Old bonnie, Old freddy, Old foxy, Mangle, balloon boy, “balloon girl,” And the puppet.
FNaF 3: Springtrap, phantom freddy, phantom chica, phantom bb, phantom foxy, phantom mangle, phantom puppet.
FNaF 4: Nightmare characters, Jack-o-chica, Jack-o-bonnie.

They all (except BB) attack you if you do not block them or prevent them.
FNaF 2 ways to block anamatronics: For most ones you have to put on the freddy mask located (on mobile) on your left side, on the bottom screen. For most they would have to be in your room to block them, but some you have to put on the mask BEFORE they enter your room. BEFORE, ok?
There are a few that you have to PREVENT from entering your room, like Foxy and BB. For BB you just have to put the mask on if he is in your vent. He will only appear in your left vent. Wait a few seconds then check in the vent. If he does enter your room, well, to put it simply, you’re SCREWED. He will attract anamatronics with his laughs, and take away your batteries. soon you’ll realize why that is so bad.

I screenshotted and saved this picture. I had already run out of battery, but this is how it looks like.

Foxy can not be blocked with the freddy mask. He will only leave if you turn on your light on him a few times. Get it now?
Foxy and the other old ones are located in P&S, AKA parts and services.

FNaF 1 characters and paths:  In FNaF 2, Foxy, chica, bonnie, and freddy, and rarely GOLDEN Gold GOLD GOOOOOOOLD Freddy comes along.
You are stuck in a small room with doors on both ends and limited power. the only way to prevent ANY OF THEM is to shut the doors. But shutting the doors rises the USAGE and lowers the POWER, so you cant close ‘em for long.
FNaF 3, Springtrap and his GANG of shadows: although springtrap is the only one you have to watch out for, its good to know that ALL of the others are there, too. To prevent ST (SpringTrap) from coming to close to you, there is a PlAy AUdiO button, where balloon boy’s (hopefully) familiar laugh comes echoing through the chosen room. Springtrap will go there, so make sure to place it FAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaar away.

Read next article for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-j. M. Rehmert

Comics and Manga Reviews and Suggestions #2, posted by Jasmine Rehmart

Comics and manga:
Reviews and suggestions

Welcome to my next review!!!

This time i will be reviewing a (Not so special drumroll please) Comic.
Its is called BETTY AND VERONICA, a series of the ARCHIE COMICS.
Once again, this is a mildly adult comic, so please ask your parents before getting it. I do suggest it to girls in general, and it can be found in stores like sack-&-save, Foodland, and ect.
They cost around $6-9 dollars each, so make sure to break open your piggy bank!!!

The starring people in this series are………...Betty, veronica, archie, and jughead.
Betty and veronica are friends but both like Archie. Jughead is left in the dust...Poor Juggy XD

In this article, there will be a little “survey,” where you will see which one you are….. don’t be disapointed if you  get jughead….You probably like to eat. ^.^

Question 1:
Do you….. take advantage on money and LOVE SHOPPING?
  2. Eh…. not really.
  3. No way, shopping is boring and is for GURLS

Question 2:
Do you….. Eat A LOT but never really get fat?
  1. Yeah…. THAT IS TOTALLY MEH!!!
  2. Eh… i get fat…. ugh…. thats embarrasing to say XD.
  3. Nah….. i dont eat that much…
  4. OMG i BARELY eat so yeah...NO.

Question 3:

Are you…...A tomboy or a Girly girl (optional if you are a boi)
  1. oooh OMG I’m SUCH the girly girl, like, OMG.
  2. Eh, -climbs down from tree- I’m more a tomboy.
  3. Can’t a girl just be a gurrrrl?

Well, bye…… I’m all out of ideas…..
  1. Ok… BAAAI -runs out and goes shopping-
  2. K.
  3. Alrighty bye -runs out munching on a carrot stick-
  4. KK, BAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sooooooo….. now for the results….

If you got….
Then you are...
Comments ( 10 words or less)
Mostly 1
You are Veronica, the girliest girl ever and LOVE to shop.
WTF im a boy and this is just wierd now :p

Mostly 2
You are Betty, the blondhaired Tomboy
But i’m a boy! Actually, im a girl but i LUV to shop :P

Mostly 3
You are Jughead, although you should have to answer one for question 2
…. woah. Ok. Um…… Yeah.. ok…… well….

Mostly 4 or mostly tied
You’re Archie. Thats itttt.

Well thats it for now… JASMINE SIGNING OUUUUUUUT!

Jasmine M rehmert Lol XD this is very funny….. ok bye you didnt read this…

I give no right to copyright. Get it? copyRIGHT? ok fine…. do not use this article in other articles, for entertainment such as “a wise man once said…..Ect..” and..XD ect...Make sure to read the small script and have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!