Monday, April 30, 2018


What to do when you are bored

     Are you bored? You probably are if you're reading these posts. But what else can you do in your boring free time? Hmm... you probably could do like (click the link beside them if provided!):

Find out what gender you are using this LONG test: LINK
Build a Lego castle and step on it and be in pain for the next hour
Watch the paint dry on a blank campass
Mow your law, but with a broom 
Read terrible fanfictions online, here are some: LINK
Count the amount of eating utensils and kitchen things
Read this whole dictionary: LINK
Drink as much water as you can until you feel like you will explode (actually, please don't do this).
Count how many chips there are in your Doritos bag

Now this should be enough dumb things to do until you actually have something productive to do.

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