Thursday, February 1, 2018


Isn't it obvious. There's a clue in the name. I-lu-min-not-ee. It's trying to hide in these people. Nikk-ee Minaj, Mil-eey Cyrus, B-ee-once. They all have the sound "ee". But the one we see as the most useful is T-ee-chers. Now, what is the one thing that you associate with teachers, APPLES which just happens to be one of the most successful companies in the world. Their in on it. Why do you think everything they have has an i before it. The iPad, the iPhone, the iMac. This leads us to Iraq or should I say iRaq. Maybe that's why they go into war more than other countries; to protect the secret. But that's way to obvious it's probably somewhere near there. Too bad we can't just triangulate it's position. Wait. AHA! Triangles! That's an Illuminati sign. Egypt has pyramids that are shaped as triangles. That connects to Turkey and Saudi Arabia or as I say, Salty a Rare Beef a. But, the illuminati isn't just a triangle,there's also an eye. What do eyes do, they see. Like See-ryia and the 2 SEAS. Now if we put together the 2 triangles, we get the 2 triangle star, and in the midle of this, there's Isreal. Ad guess what the flag is for Isreal. The two triangle star. This shows that the illuminati, Isreal.

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