Monday, May 7, 2018

Assignment for Newspaper Club: Write Satirical News

Satirical News -- i.e., witty, ironic, sarcastic, or humorous takes on news and contemporary life.

Can you write it? Have a look at the following examples from The Onion (a satirical news website) for some ideas. Think about what makes satirical news funny. Work with a friend to come up with some headlines. Be creative, for instance, make a graphic to accompany your story.

Boardroom Begins To Quake As Black-Eyed CEO Announces Vision For Future Of Company

Fun Toy Banned Because Of Three Stupid Dead Kids

Once-Adventurous Salmon Can’t Believe She Ended Up Moving Back To Birthplace, Having A Bunch Of Kids

E. Coli Ready To Treat Itself To Some Beef After Weeks Of Nothing But Salad

Children, Creepy Middle-Aged Weirdos Swept Up In Harry Potter Craze

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