Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Advice for Middle Schoolers
by Brycelin

If you need advice, then email me at 2023bevangelista@waiakeai.k12.hi.us.  Your letter/email will not be accepted in the advice column. If you include profanity your letter will not be printed. I will keep your identity  anonymous. Thank you!


Dear Brycelyn, I am having trouble completing my homework on time.Right after school, I have uplink,butI have to leave early to go to soccer practice,which is from 4:00-6:00. After that I go straight home and take a shower and make dinner,which takes about an hour. Then my family and I eat dinner and everybody talks about there day. Right after dinner I have to wash dishes,vacuum, and clean up the tables and counters. By the time it’s done, it’s already 8:30 or 8:45. Then I take a small break, but end up falling asleep. How do I fit my homework into my schedule? -Busy Student


Dear Busy Student, I know exactly how you feel. I used to have soccer too. My homework was cramming up my schedule,then I found a solution to my “busy” situation. Everyday before soccer practice from that day on I did my homework during lunch and wiki . It was working out great, the only down part was that I couldn't play with my friends.  Later on I realized that education was more important than hanging out with my friends! Please do your homework at wiki or lunch make me proud!! -Brycelyn


Dear Brycelyn, My little brother Jonah is so annoying! He reads my diary when I do my homework. Plus he literally ate my homework once we had to call poison control. Then the next day, when I told my teacher what happened, she didn’t believe me. So she gave me an F. When I told my parents, I got grounded for what he did! How do I keep this from happening? -Upset Student


Dear Upset Student, First of all take a breather. Breath in, breath out. Now all you have to do is lock your door. Simple and easy. If your brother does it again, then do this. Before doing your homework, print an extra copy of it, just in case your brother eat’s your homework again! Finally keep your diary locked. -Brycelyn

Enjoy some Gifs

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